Retrieves a reference to a COM object from an existing process or filename.
ObjGet ( "filename" [, "classname"] )
Filename | (See remarks) The full path and name to the file containing the object. |
Classname | (Optional) The class of the object in the following format: "appname.objectype" |
Return Value
Success: | Returns an object. |
Failure: | Returns 0 and sets @error to 1. |
The filename is optional if you want to use only the class name, but the parameter
GUICtrlCreateObj, IsObj, ObjCreate, ObjEvent, ObjName
; Example getting an Object using it's class name
; Excel must be activated for this example to be successfull
$oExcel = ObjGet("","Excel.Application") ; Get an existing Excel Object
if @error then
Msgbox (0,"ExcelTest","Error Getting an active Excel Object. Error code: " & hex(@error,8))
$oExcel.Visible = 1 ; Let the guy show himself
$oExcel.workbooks.add ; Add a new workbook
; Example getting an Object using a file name
; An Excel file with filename Worksheet.xls must be created in the root directory
; of the C:\ drive in order for this example to work.
if not FileExists($FileName) then
Msgbox (0,"Excel File Test","Can't run this test, because you didn't create the Excel file "& $FileName)
$oExcelDoc = ObjGet($FileName) ; Get an Excel Object from an existing filename
if IsObj($oExcelDoc) then
; Tip: Uncomment these lines to make Excel visible (credit: DaleHohm)
; $oExcelDoc.Windows(1).Visible = 1; Set the first worksheet in the workbook visible
; $oExcelDoc.Application.Visible = 1; Set the application visible (without this Excel will exit)
$String = "" ; String for displaying purposes
; Some document properties do not return a value, we will ignore those.
$OEvent=ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","nothing"); Equal to VBscript's On Error Resume Next
For $Property In $oExcelDoc.BuiltinDocumentProperties
$String = $String & $Property.Name & ":" & $Property.Value & @CRLF
Msgbox(0,"Excel File Test","The document properties of " & $FileName & " are:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $String)
$oExcelDoc.Close ; Close the Excel document
Msgbox (0,"Excel File Test","Error: Could not open "& $FileName & " as an Excel Object.")